The Lime Route

This route allows people to visit different lime kilns and vaulted shelters and to enjoy woodland scenery. Part of the route also passes a wind farm. The activity of lime production is based on obtaining lime from limestone via a process that consists of submitting this rock to temperatures of 900 to 1000 ºC.

This transformation takes place in the lime ovens.

In Les Garrigues, people used to cook using lime ovens until the 1960s, and at Tarrés, it is possible to find around 60 disused lime ovens. In this local district, producing lime was not a specific trade. This was a seasonal activity and was carried out by small-scale farmers when they lacked work in their fields. The lime that was produced was used to sulphate vines and to lime walls. In construction, it was used to make mortar and also to conserve some food products.

Total length of the route: 12.6 km


For more information: Consell Comarcal de les Garrigues

