Estany d’Ivars and Vila-sana

Now on the Lleida plain, it is essential to make a visit to the Estany d’Ivars i Vila-sana pool, in El Pla d’Urgell. This is a lake that was dried out in 1951, but recovered at the beginning of the 21st century. At present, it is a freshwater pool with a total surface area of 126 hectares and an average depth of less than 2 metres. It is therefore the largest inland lake in Catalonia and hosts an important range of birdlife, making it an important place to visit when doing ornithological tourism in the lands of Western Catalonia.

The other characteristic that makes this location unique is its wider setting, in the very heart of the cereal-growing plains of Lleida. This will allow visitors to observe species of great interest and a number of different habitats: aquatic and steppe, within a relatively short distance. One of the spaces which deserves specific attention is the dryland of Belianes, which is only 7 km from the pool. 

The species that visitors will find at these two locations include: the little bittern, the purple heron and the purple swamphen, at the pool, and Montigu’s harrier, the lesser kestrel, the little bustard and the European roller, at Belianes.

At the pool, there is a bird ringing station and, if you give sufficient notice, they will allow you to discover and participate in some scientific tourism that will contribute to bird conservation.

To visit this area, it is best to contact Cal Sinén, which is a farm on the banks of the pool. This is where the information centre and centre for interpretation are located and where it is possible to contract guided visits.

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Estany d’Ivars and Vila-sana