Trekking Routes
The Trekking Guide to the Lands of Lleida includes a series of 26 different routes which are organised bycomarca (local district) and divided into two groups: the Pyrenees and the Lands of Lleida.
This guide has been adapted to new technologies and includes a QR* code which enables walkers to access a route map via their mobile phones. By enlarging this map, trekkers will be able to track their progress in real time with the GPS function of their mobile phones activated.
This guide also provides the GPS coordinates for the beginning of each route. These can be programmed into vehicle GPS systems to help trekkers reach the start point of each walk.
(*) The maps and GPS tracks that trekkers can view using the QR code have been adapted for mobile phones that work with Android and also for iPhones and tablets.
If you would like to download the routes using a conventional GPS device, just click here