The Picasso Route

On the trail of the great painter of the 20th Century

In the spring of 1906, Pablo Picasso and his then partner, Fernande Olivier, arrived at the village of Gósol. The last stretch of their journey was made riding on a mule, with Picasso carrying only a few things: some clothes, his easel and a few boxes containing his brushes and oils. In August of the same year, on their way back to Paris, the couple took with them a small caravan of mules, so Picasso had evidently done a lot of painting. At Gósol, Picasso painted some of the most representative Works of modern art. This stay had been crucial for his artistic research. The Picasso Route starts at Guardiola de Berguedà and ends at Bellver de Cerdanya. The itinerary is signposted with yellow markers as afar as Gósol and then with white and yellow ones from Gósol to Bellver de Cerdanya.


For further information: Tourism Office of Gósol

