Iolanda Sebé

21 natural spaces

Catalonia’s Plan for Natural Spaces 

of Interest has the objective of gua-

ranteeing the conservation of the 

country’s biodiversity and natural 

heritage, in line with its scientific, 

scenic and educational value. In 

the Lands of Lleida and the Pyre-

nees, there are 21 of these protec-

ted spaces. These include the Ivars 

and Vila-sana pool (El Pla d’Urgell), 

which has also been catalogued as 

a Place of Importance to the Local 

Community and a Special Protecti-

on Zone for Birds. It was recovered 

in 2005, having previously been 

dried out during the 1950s, and is 

the largest pool in inland Catalonia, 

with a surface area of 26 hectares 

and a perimeter of some 6 km. 

The cadí-Moixeró  

Natural park

Located in El Pallars Sobirà and 

L’Alt Urgell and with an area of almost 

70,000 hectares, the Alt Pirineu Natu-

ral Park is the largest park of its type 

in Catalonia and boasts a great variety 

of landscapes and culture. It is both a 

space of great natural value (in terms 

of its geology, ecosystems, habitats 

and animal and vegetable species) and 

a historic setting for human activity. 

This has helped to form its landscape, 

making it rich in archaeological and 

architectural heritage and in primary 

sector activities such as livestock far-

ming. It is defined by the sum of its cul-

tural heritage, economic activity and 

natural beauty.

The Alt pirineu Natural park

Located in El Pallars Sobirà and L’Alt 

Urgell and with an area of almost 70,000 

hectares, the Alt Pirineu Natural Park is 

the largest park of its type in Catalonia 

and boasts a great variety of landscapes 

and culture. One of the most outstanding 

features is the Pica d’Estats, the highest 

mountain in Catalonia (3,143.5m). It is 

both a space of great natural value (in 

terms of its geology, ecosystems, habitats 

and animal and vegetable species) and a 

historic setting for human activity. This 

has helped to form its landscape, making 

it rich in archaeological and architectu-

ral heritage and in primary sector acti-

vities such as livestock farming. It is de-

fined by the sum of its cultural heritage, 

economic activity and natural beauty.



del parc

T. +34 938 244 151


Marc Garriga (Arxiu Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu)

Oriol Clavera

parc Natural  

de l’Alt pirineu 

T. +34 973 622 335
